川北会TOP <前頁=川北会2>   冨田・林・村山・京;婚礼式記念写真へリンク         高知県安芸市川北  曲はスワニー
2007.9.8の会食 撮影は京 利彦さん=4女の彼=bearded person 翌.9.9何故か彼は剃り落としていた (良い写真を多謝)


2007年12月墓参り 冨田 村山 藤田 示野

ちらっと、嬉しいお便り よう覚えたものよと感心! Mon,24 Mar 2008  21:13.27+0900送信(件名はご報告であった)


English ; The Language of the World.Have you ever been to any foreign countries?I’m sorry to say that I have never been to any, as much as I would like to.Here in Kochi though, I sometimes see people that have come here from overseas.One morning, on my way to school, I met one of these people.He was tall and had light brown hair.I thought he was Australian because he looked like my English teacher who is also from Australia.When I said 'Good morning' to him in Japanese, he said 'Good Morning' in English. When I got home I told my mother, “Mum, today I greeted an Australian man!”Then, she asked me, "How did you know he’s Australian?” ”Because he spoke English!” I said.My Mum said “But American, Canadian and British people also speak English.And just like you are learning English, a great many people from all over the world learn and speak English too. ”Can that many people really speak English? I decided to look it up on the internet with my mother’s help.I found out that one in four people in the world use English!One in four! That's amazing, isn’t it?This means if you can speak English, no matter which country you visit, you can communicate with one in four people there. Of course, I know there are many other languages in the world. My granduncle speaks Chinese. My grandmother is learning Indonesian. But knowing that English is so widely spoken in the world, I’ve come to like it best. For me, English is an all-round language that will help me make the world smaller, closer and friendlier.So next time I greet people from foreign countries, I will say a big 'Hello' to them in English.Then, someday, I might be able to make friends with someone from a land far away.

2011年4月 ホテル新阪急「白楽」にて





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